
Initial Consultation & Treatment

£95.00 - 90 mins

The first time we meet, no matter what treatment you have, will always include a Full Consultation about your health and current wellbeing together with a treatment. We will focus on whats going on for you right now and what support you need as well as considering all areas of your lifestyle. Where possible I will gift you any relevant Self-Help Recordings.

Follow-On Treatments

£65.00 - 60 mins

Holistic therapies work naturally with the body encouraging shift and change. I therefore recommend at least committing to 4 follow-on sessions to benefit from the support that natural therapy can bring. Please see my Treatment Bundles below for details.

Pregnancy Reflexology

Initial Appointment

£85.00 - 75 mins

The first time we meet will always include a Full Consultation about your health and wellbeing together with a treatment. We will focus on your Pregnancy and what Trimester you are in and any discomforts that you may be experiencing. Nearer your due date (post 37 weeks) we can focus on encouraging your body towards Labour. Where possible I will gift you any relevant Self-Help Recordings.

Pregnancy Reflexology

Follow-On Treatments

£65.00 - 60 mins

In your First Trimester I recommend weekly or every 2 weeks depending on the symptoms that you might be experiencing such as Morning Sickness or anxiety. From your Second Trimester we can move towards a monthly treatment to support your Pregnancy and to alleviate any discomforts. Post 37 weeks I would recommend a weekly treatment to encourage your body towards Labour.

Treatment Bundles

Discounted Treatment Bundles can only be purchased for Follow-on Appointments, paid as a lump sum eg:

Pay for 5 - get the 6th one FREE - £330.00