Hypnosis For IVF Preparation


Hypnosis For IVF Preparation is a self help download that contains three recordings to support you through the three main stages of your IVF Treatment Cycle and Protocol: Stimulation, Transfer and Implantation. If you are going through a Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) then you can use the Transfer and Implantation Recordings too. Here are the Downloadable Instructions for these recordings.

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Hypnosis For IVF Preparation contains three recordings to help support you through your IVF Treatment Cycle.

  1. The first recording ‘Hypnosis To Prepare for IVF Stimulation’ is for your Preparation Stage from Egg Stimulation Through to Egg Collection.

  2. The second recording ‘Hypnosis For IVF Transfer’ helps you to prepare for Transfer, guiding you through a lovely creative visualisation to keep you positive and calm throughout.

  3. The third recording ‘Hypnosis for IVF Implantation’ is designed to help you from the day or two after Transfer and into the Implantation phase, keeping you positive and calm and relaxed through your two week wait.

Each recording starts with general instructions and then takes you into a place of relaxation. The aim of each recording is to help you with each phase of your IVF protocol, to support your mind and body as you take each step of the process. You can download this information by clicking Instructions.

Recent research (Levitas, et al, 2005) shows that by using creative visualisation at, and around the Transfer Stage of IVF can have potentially high success rates.  

Work through the recordings in the order as stated above, through each phase of your IVF or ICSI cycle.  If you have already started your IVF cycle, or if you are going through a Frozen Embryo Transfer cycle, simply use the appropriate recording for the phase that you are in.

You may also find my Hypnosis For Deep Relaxation recording helpful too – whilst not specifically for fertility, it is a longer recording taking you into a very peaceful state – ideal for couples to listen to as well.

Alison is a registered Hypnotherapist and a Fertile Body Method Practitioner.  This recording is available as an mp3 download only and is made with kind permission of The Fertile Body Method.